Taunton Deane Triathlon – Wiveliscombe 2024

We have had to make the difficult decision to cancel our forthcoming race scheduled to be held on Monday 26th August.  We really hoped this would be a fantastic come back race and wanted to offer an unique event for our local community.

To put on an event like this safely meant we needed a high numbers of volunteers and without those we just didn't feel we could offer a race as we saw fit. With many of our members unable to support the event we were given no other option but to cancel.

We also could not afford to run this race at a loss and the number of entries to date had not given us the confidence that we would break even if we went ahead.

If you are looking for an event please do consider supporting our friends at Channel Events on October 6th with their Minehead Triathlon (https://www.channelevents.co.uk/minehead-triathlon/).

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